
ASTM D6194 IEC 60695-2-10 熾熱線試驗設備 ASTM D6194, IEC 60695-2-10,UL746A

ASTM D6194 IEC 60695-2-10

熾熱線試驗設備 ASTM D6194, IEC 60695-2-10,UL746A

Glow Wire Test Equipment ASTM D6194, IEC 60695-2-10,UL746A




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熾熱線試驗設備  ASTM D6194, IEC 60695-2-10,UL746A-行動條碼QR Code



IEC 60695-2-10,ASTM D6194,UL746A


熾熱線測試設備用於研究原材料和成品部件的耐火性能。 Concept Equipment的測試設備經過人體工學設計,符合上述EN和IEC標準。


熾熱線本身就是火源。 熾熱線的初始溫度由溫度編程器設置和控制。 在測試過程中,溫度控制器可以切換到手動模式以向熾熱線產生恆定電壓信號,從而避免樣品的輸出功率發生變化,否則輸出功率會從控制熱電偶反饋。



• 測試儀器方便地安裝在控制面板上

• 符合標準的熾熱線探頭

• 不銹鋼標本架

• 熱電偶設置測試溫度

• 具有恆定電壓輸出的溫度控制器,具有控制優化功能

• 定義速度的直線驅動

• 該測試設備用於調查原材料和成品部件的耐火性能

• 熾熱線本身就是火源

• 熾熱線的初始溫度由溫度編程器設置和控制

• 在測試過程中,溫度控制器可以切換到手動模式,以向熾熱線產生恆定電壓信號,從而避免樣品的輸出功率發生變化,否則該變化會從控制熱電偶反饋

• 熾熱線的溫度可以設置為室溫到1000°C

• 熾熱線的溫度通過符合IEC 60584-2的K型鎧裝熱電偶(等級1)進行檢測

• 在測試過程中,將樣品以11 mm / sec的恆定速度移向灼熱絲,然後再次移回

• 30秒的加熱時間是石英控制的

• 以1 N的力將樣品支架拉向熾熱線



電源:230vAC±10%(50 Hz)


排煙:排風能力為1m3 / min的排煙櫃或排煙罩

尺寸:560 mm(寬)x 700 mm x(高)x 500 mm(深)







Glow Wire Test Equipment


IEC 60695-2-10, ASTM D6194, UL746A


The Glow Wire test equipment is used to investigate the fire-resistant properties of raw materials and finished components.  Concept Equipment’s test apparatus has been ergonomically designed to meet the above EN and IEC standards.


The glow-wire itself is the source of the fire. The initial temperature of the glow-wire is set and controlled by a temperature programmer. During a test, the temperature controller can be switched to manual mode to produce a constant voltage signal to the glow-wire, thus avoiding the sample to a variation in output power, which would otherwise be feedback from the control thermocouple.


Specification & Features

•Test apparatus conveniently mounted on control panel

•Glow-wire probe as per standard

•Stainless steel specimen holder

•Thermocouple to set the test temperature

•Temperature controller with constant voltage output with control optimisation

• Linear drive with defined velocity

•The test equipment is used to investigate the fire-resistant properties of raw materials and finished components

•The glow-wire itself is the source of the fire

•The initial temperature of the glow-wire is set and controlled by a temperature programmer

•During a test, the temperature controller can be switched to manual mode to produce a constant voltage signal to the glow-wire, thus avoiding the sample to a variation in output power, which would otherwise be fed back from the control thermocouple

•The temperature of the glow-wire can be set from room temperature to 1000°C

•The temperature of the glow-wire is detected by a sheathed thermocouple type K (class 1) in accordance with IEC 60584-2

•During the test the specimen is moved towards the glow-wire at a constant velocity of 11 mm/sec and then back again

•The heating time of 30 sec is quartz controlled

•The specimen support is pulled toward the glow-wire with a force of 1 N


Technical Data & Requirements

Power supply: 230vAC ± 10% (50 Hz)

Ambient Temperature: Operating 10°C to 35°C

Fume extraction: Fume cupboard or Hood capable of 1m3 /min evacuation

Dimensions: 560 mm (W) x 700 mm x (H) x 500 mm (D)

Shipping Weight:  28 Kg





OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA代理;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶線;感溫線;偉吉達;
WHATMAN代理空氣採樣濾紙;玻璃纖維濾紙;G/A GF/B GF/C暨相關過濾素材; 2020 Cytiva代理Whatman濾膜及耗材;
BROOKS質量流量控制器;PC540;BROOKS代理;質量流量控制器;BROOKS 5850E;
OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA 代理商;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶導線;熱電偶公母接頭;熱電偶感溫線;




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