
Tetrite Smart 纖維熱收縮率.應力試驗機 Testrite Smart

Tetrite Smart

纖維熱收縮率.應力試驗機 Testrite Smart

Thermal Shrinkage -ForceTester




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纖維熱收縮率.應力試驗機 Testrite Smart-行動條碼QR Code


SmartForce 收縮測試儀能檢測紗線樣品在特定溫度(溫度可達250℃)的自由熱收縮率或者收縮力。 一次可以同時測量兩根樣品或者任選一根,可以同時測量收縮率或者收縮力或一個收縮率一個收縮力測試,測試溫度與時間可調。溫度精度同三型和五型一樣完美。

SmartForce 包含一個加熱裝置和電腦軟體包。加熱裝置包含加熱器、溫控表、收縮率和收縮力測量傳感器和一個數據裝置。

Testrite最初的收縮測試設備符合ASTM D4974標準,現在也符合EN 13844。本新型設備和原有型號相容。

提供的軟體包採用使用者友善界面,工作於Windows 2000,XP,Vista系統等,所有測試參數可通過電腦設定,並對結果進行多樣性組合。


電源:220VAC 60 Hz. 單相
電源消耗 - 最大 1000w ( 220 伏特時為5 安培 )
最高測試溫度 250°C
結果數值可達 35%收縮率 - 5% 延伸
傳感器範圍可選 0-25 或 0-100 牛頓
最大配備砝碼可允許 300g
自由收縮解析度 - 0.1%
收縮力解析度 - 0.1 牛頓
溫度顯示解析度 - 0.1°C
加熱器長度 10 inches (250mm)
淨重 20kg 毛重 25kg
套裝軟體 (相容作業系統 Windows 2000, XP, 或 Vista)

AMD Athlon 64 或 Pentium 4 class 機器, 1.5 gHz 速度, 512 megabytes 記憶體
30 megabytes 硬碟空間 (測試結果多則需求更大容量)
XVGA 色彩顯示 1024 x 768 像素解析度 (1280 x1024 像素解析度更佳) 以及 16-bit 色彩
標準 (非USB) 9 pin 序列連接埠



Testrite SmartForce Shrinkage Tester

The Testrite SmartForce™ Shrinkage Tester is a sophisticated dual-channel shrinkage and force measurement instrument designed to test the performance of materials under heat stress including industrial and technical yarns, plastic, tapes, filament, monofilament, hybrid and spun yarns for textile applications such as nylon, polyethylene, polyester, polypropylene and viscose, etc.

The SmartForce™ Shrinkage Tester can determine the free Thermal Shrinkage or Shrinkage Force in a yarn as it is exposed to a pre-set temperature ranging from ambient to 250°C (max). One or two samples can be tested simultaneously and with a choice of either two free shrinkage, two force or one of each at the same time.The duration of test is also variable. As with the Mk3 and Mk5 models the temperature is closely and accurately controlled.

The SmartForce™ System consists of an oven unit and a PC software package. The oven unit comprises the heater, temperature controller, shrinkage and force measuring transducers and a data unit, all housed in a robust steel cabinet.

The original Testrite Shrinkage Tester was used for the development of the ASTM D4974 designated test method and also conforms to EN 13844. Now this new updated model also conforms as does its predecessors, the Mk3 and Mk5 (which are still available)

The software package supplied is very user friendly and works on Windows 2000, XP or Vista. All the test parameters are set using the computer and allow a variety of result combinations.

Testrite has produced yarn free shrinkage testing measurement machines since 1965 and boast a wealth of experience in this field. The first unit was originally designed for Dunlop to test their tyre cord yarns. Many famous tyre cord manufacturers use Testrite as their standard.

Testrite can also supply a suitable PC if required.

Power supply either 220-240 v.a.c. or 110 v.a.c. 50-60 Hz. Single Phase
Power consumption - maximum 1000w (5 amp at 220 volt)
Maximum test temperature 250°C
Result values up to 35% shrinkage - 5% elongation
Load cell range either 0-25 or 0-100 Newtons
Maximum pretension weight allowable 300g (list of weights available)
Free shrinkage resolution - 0.1%
Shrinkage force resolution - 0.1 Newton
Temperature display resolution - 0.1°C
Heater length 10 inches (250mm)
Nett weight 20kg Gross weight 25kg
PC software package is designed for a standard PC running Windows 2000, XP, or Vista.
Minimum PC specification: AMD Athlon 64 or Pentium 4 class machine of 1.5 gHz speed, 512 megabytes RAM
30 megabytes hard disk space (more required for test results)
XVGA colour display with 1024 by 768 pixel resolution (1280 by 1024 pixel resolution preferred) and 16-bit colour
CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive
Standard (not USB) nine pin serial port





OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA代理;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶線;感溫線;偉吉達;
WHATMAN代理空氣採樣濾紙;玻璃纖維濾紙;G/A GF/B GF/C暨相關過濾素材; 2020 Cytiva代理Whatman濾膜及耗材;
BROOKS質量流量控制器;PC540;BROOKS代理;質量流量控制器;BROOKS 5850E;
OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA 代理商;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶導線;熱電偶公母接頭;熱電偶感溫線;




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