
Sutherland 2000 Sutherland 2000 油墨磨耗試驗機

Sutherland 2000

Sutherland 2000 油墨磨耗試驗機

Sutherland 2000 Ink Rub Tester




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SUTHERLAND 印刷耐磨性試驗機由馬達驅動,使加載以特定重量的測試印刷樣本在一個標準面上來回擦拭,以檢驗其耐磨性。
SUTHERLAND油墨耐磨試驗機幾十年來一直被作為該行業的一個工業標準,近期設計者又對該儀器進行了一些卓有成效的改進,更提高了它的性能和可靠性。如今它成為美國ASTM標準協會的推薦使用產品(請參考ASTM D-5264 ? 92, Standard Practice for Abrasion Resistance of Printed Materials by the Sutherland Ink Rub Tester)。該標準提供了SUTHERLAND印刷耐磨試驗機的正確程序,這極大地提高了它的知名度和應用範圍,使它在未來市場中處於更為有利的地位。在保留原有優點的同時,這些改進也使該儀器的運行成本更為經濟,實驗結果更符合工業標準。
• 4種速度——標準:21周/分鐘、42周/分鐘、85周/分鐘,高速:106周/分鐘
• 液晶顯示
• 測試範圍:乾磨擦,濕磨擦,濕塗污或轉移,濕塗膜及功能磨擦
• 內存中預置計數
• 配有0.9kg(2-lb),1.8kg(4-lb)砝碼
• 自動關機
• 測試結束提示
• ASTM D-5264 D92
• 乾磨擦:乾樣本與乾樣本的磨擦
• 濕磨擦:濕樣本與濕樣本的磨擦
• 濕轉移:油墨從樣本上轉移至吸水濾紙上
• 濕塗污:與濕轉移類似,磨擦次數更多
• 功能磨擦:用某種液體代替水進行上述測試
• 熱磨擦:用加熱砝碼測試印刷品的耐磨性
• 尺寸:15×15×12英吋
• 電源:220V/50/60Hz/單相/2A
• 毛重42磅 磨擦塊重量2磅、4磅
• 選配:加熱磨擦塊



Improved Sutherland Ink Rub Tester
For Abrasion Resistance Of Printed Materials By Sutherland Rub Tester
Only Tester Used In Establishing ASTM Designation D 5264 Standard Test Method
The tester is a motor driven instrument for moving a weighted test strip over a printed specimen through an arc. The Sutherland Rub Tester has been redesigned to improve its operation. James River's corporate research and development laboratories did extensive testing of the Sutherland Rub Tester. The result of this work is an affordable abrasion testing instrument that retains all the features that made it an industry standard plus improvements that ensure it will remain the industry standard.
The stroke of the tester has been shortened which increases the precision and more closely simulates abrasion damage found in the field. James River research and other published work in the print abrasion testing arena have shown that quick strokes simulate some types of rub damage (most notably shipping damage).
Illustrated is the Sutherland Rub Tester showing two-pound and four-pound weights to which test specimens are attached and the scoring device.

The upper receptacle of the timer is for remote timer control. The lower receptacle is the same voltage as the instrument. 110 volts single phase is standard. 220 volts optional at extra cost.
The Sutherland®2000™motor now has four speeds; the first speed (21 cycles per minute) is half the speed as the older models, which will make the "wet" tests, and tests using under 5 strokes easier to perform. The second speed (42 cycles per minute) are the same as the older models, while the fourth speed (106 cycles per minute) is faster. These new improvements will allow the customer the ability to customize the testing procedure more to their individual product, yet maintaining the ability of duplicating a procedure used by someone with an older model unit. The higher speeds will reduce the long test times needed for certain types of substrates (plastics, UV varnished, printed films, etc.).
The Sutherland®2000™ incorporates a digital counter with a fiber optic sensor to ensure the accuracy of the number of rubs for a given test. Simply enter the number of rubs desired and the instrument will stop automatically at exactly the correct number of strokes.
A single mounting pad for the test strip is now cut to fit the weight. It was found that precision of the test is increased by using a 2 inch (5 cm) by 4 inch (10 cm) pad on the bottom of the weight . Two pound and four pound weights and scoring fixture are included.

A supply of 80 x 80 count bleached muslin cloth (cloth not included) has been found useful in testing wet smear, wet rub, and wet bleed. The Sutherland Rub Tester is designed to evaluate the scuffing or rubbing resistance of the printed or coated surface of paper, paperboard, film, etc. The test results are reproducible.
The following tests may be made with the instrument:
  • Dry Rub
  • Wet Rub
  • Wet Bleed or Transfer
  • Wet Smear
  • Functional Rub
Test Specimen
The test requires two pieces of stock, the printed test specimen and a test receptor, which is usually unprinted. Cut a test specimen, approximately six by three inches, representing average ink lay and coverage. When the printed area permits, the six inch direction should be cut across the grain of the sheet, but must not cross pressed or cut scores.
Prepare test strips of unprinted material from the same shipment of stock used in printing the test samples. Cleanly cut 2 x 7 inch strips for the four-pound weight are prepared by placing a strip face down against the end pin of the scoring device and scoring the strip at the white dot positions to facilitate bending the strip to conform to the test block.
To prepare samples for the two-pound weight, 2 x 5-1/4 inch strips are placed face down against the end pin of the scoring device and score at the red dot position to facilitate bending the strip to conform to the test weight.
Available Items
Item Number
Complete instrument 110 volt, 60 cycle, 1 phase, four speed unit comes equipped with a two-pound weight, four-pound weight, and a scoring fixture
Complete instrument 220 volt, 50 cycle, same as above
Note: Surge Protector is required with this product. (Not Included)
Optional Accessories
Heated weight (optional) 2 lbs
Heated weight (optional) 4 lbs
Additional accessories and replacement parts are available.
Replacement Pads
New Style: 1 pad (base) 2-5/8" x 6" and 2 pads (weights) 2" x 4"
Old Style: 1 pad (base) 2-5/8" x 6" and 4 pads (weights) 1" x 2"
Silicone Pad (for heated weight)
2 lb Weight Replacement
4 lb Weight Replacement
Note: For optimum results, pads should be changed every six months.
Reference: "The Improved Sutherland Rub Tester" by Dr. Bruce Blom, Senior Research Fellow, Mead Central Research Laboratories, Chillicothe, OH
Because of the simplicity of the tester, it is currently being evaluated as a means for assessing the drying, degree of cure, and solvent resistance of inks as part of ASTM's subcommittee D-01.56 on printing ink activities.





BROOKS質量流量控制器;PC540;BROOKS代理;質量流量控制器;BROOKS 5850E;
OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA 代理商;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶導線;熱電偶公母接頭;熱電偶感溫線;
Membrance Solution (USA) 0.22um/ 0.45um PES/ PVDF 針桶過濾膜特價供應




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