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符合TAPPI T 403 及 ISO 2758國際標準 ,破裂強度試驗機校正專用鋁箔
尺寸:7 x 7cm
(Model A 為高壓型破裂強度試驗機用) (Model C 為低壓型破裂強度試驗機用 )
All our physical testing and quality assurance services are ISO 17025 accredited by the Standards Council of Canada. As such, they comply with our clients’ ISO 9000 quality assurance requirements.
ORDERING INFORMATION for checking Model “A” and Model “C” burst testers
Standardized aluminum foil for checking the overall performance of Burst Testers is sold in two formats.
• Small (S): package contains 10 sheets, each sheet measuring 3 inches by 3 inches
• Large (L): package contains five sheets, each sheet measuring 8 inches by 3 inches
The entire content of each package is required for one calibration.
Standardized aluminum foil – each format is available in the following bursting pressures:
(Model A 為高壓型破裂強度試驗機用) (Model C 為低壓型破裂強度試驗機用 )
This aluminum foil is standardized on Model “A” and Model “C” Burst Testers that are adjusted and operated in accordance with the following Standards:
PAPTAC D.8 and D19, TAPPI T403 and T807 and ISO 2758 and 2759, using a pressure transducer and a digital readout. The pressure transducer is
verified against a dead weight tester that is traceable to the National Research Council of Canada.