廠牌:Fourier Systems/Israel
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This simple, friendly & low cost data logger is ideal for young students scientific investigations.
溫度及相對濕度在科學實驗量測的項目裡是最為普遍與重要性的工作. MicroLog 是一個輕巧實用攜帶型室內室外皆宜的溫度及相對濕度顯示與數據蒐集器, 除了可以配合電腦軟體從事數據處理之外亦可應用普及的 Excel™ 程式進行分析與報表列印.
‧可記憶 16,000 筆測試數據資料
‧操作很簡單的 Excel™ 軟體介面
‧CE 及 FCC 品質標準規範認可
MicroLog EDU 技術規格
二組內置式感應器 (Two built-in sensors)
溫度 (Temperature) -30°C ~ +50°C (解析度 0.5°C, 精確度 ±0.6°C)
相對濕度 (Humidity) 0-90% (解析度 0.5%, 精確度 ±3% @ 25°C)
一組外接式感應器 (One external sensor selection)
溫度 (Temperature) -50°C ~ +100°C (解析度優於 2°C, 精確度優於 ±2%)
光照度 (Light) 0 ~ 100,000lux
電壓 (Voltage) 0 ~ 10V
噪音程度 (Sound level) 60 ~ 100 dB
酸鹼值 (pH) 0 ~ 14pH
型 號 (Model)
ED600: 溫度 + 外接式感應器訊號輸入
ED650: 溫度 + 相對濕度 + 外接式感應器訊號輸入
輸出訊號 (Output)
IRDA 紅外線電腦傳輸介面 (RS-232)
RS-232 電腦傳輸端導線 (additional to IRDA port)
顯示器 (Display)
二位數 7-數據段 液晶數字顯示
記憶容量 (Memory capacity)
16,000 筆測試數據資料
電源供應 (Power supply)
3.6V TL5101 內置式鋰乾電池
取樣頻率 (Sampling rate)
十秒 ~ 二小時可任意設定
外觀尺寸 (Dimensions)
厚度 (Thickness): 22.9mm
外圓直徑 (Round): 72mm diameter
重量 (Weight: 55公克)
軟體程式 (Software)
視窗 95/98 可相容 (Windows 95/98 compatible)
CE 及 FCC 品質標準規範認可
(For users preferring to work with our own analysis software we offer the MicroLab, a graphic analysis tool specifically designed for the MicroLog)
The MicroLog maximizes your classroom resources by providing an independent, hand-sized entry level temperature and humidity data logger for primary or environmental monitoring. The MicroLog is a fast logging, ready-to-go data logger with built in sensors that will enable your students to make discoveries in earth sciences, energy, force & motion, as well as heat. The MicroLog has one external sensor input which can be used with temperature, light, voltage and pH sensors. With up to two years battery life and a memory capacity of 16,000 recording samples the MicroLog is the perfect solution for field work as well as classroom activities.
In science temperature and humidity are among the most frequently measured quantities. The MicroLog provides the ultimate combination! With the LCD display the MicroLog is totally stand alone and students can see their results immediately without being tied to the classroom, now students are able to perform both outdoor and indoor experiments with this ultra-easy to use logger.