
GYZJ934-1/ GYZJ 935 / 936 巴可式硬度計 GYZJ 934-1 / GYZJ 935 /936

GYZJ934-1/ GYZJ 935 / 936

巴可式硬度計 GYZJ 934-1 / GYZJ 935 /936

Barcol Hardness Tester GYZJ 934-1 / GYZJ 935 / GYZJ936




行動條碼QR Code
巴可式硬度計 GYZJ 934-1 / GYZJ 935 /936-行動條碼QR Code

手持攜帶式硬度計, 型號  GYZJ934-1, GYZJ935, GYZJ936


符合 ASTM D2583; MIL-P-17549-C (SHIPS)


Barcol Impressor 應用
• 玻璃纖維
• 鋁
• 鋁合金
• 軟質金屬,銅 ,黃銅
• 塑膠






GYZJ 934-1 適用於軟金屬,例如:鋁及鋁合金、黃銅、銅和一些硬的塑料和玻璃鋼。大約的範圍25-150Brinell(布氏硬度)150Brinell相當於10mm球承載500Kg壓力。這個標準符合美國測試材料協會(American Society for Testing and Material)ASTM標準D-2583。
GYZJ 935 適用於較軟的塑膠和很軟的金屬。 約略範圍於 50 到 110 Rockwell "R"
GYZJ 936 適用於非常軟的材料,例子如:鉛、油布和皮革。




簡單的對儀器施壓驅動彈簧,使測試樣品與設備接觸。該測試點必須垂直於被測樣品表面。對於非常軟的材料,必須加壓到底,直到被測物的壓痕無法再下陷 (硬度值不會再往下)。





GYZJ-935 和 GYZJ-936近似轉換曲線圖




GYZJ934-1 近似轉換圖表
GYZJ-934-1 Brinell Vickers Webster Rockwell Rockwell Rockwell Rockwell
10mm 500kg 5kg Model B B E F H
35   21         32
36 22   35
37 23   37
38 24   40
39 25   42
40 25 26   45
41 26 27   47
42 26 28   49
43 27 29   51
44 27 30   54
45 27 30   56
46 28 31   58
47 29 32   23 60
48 30 33 0.7 26 62
49 31 34 1.3 28 64
50 32 35 1.9 31 66
51 33 36 2.5 34 68
52 34 38 3.1 38 70
53 35 39 3.6 39 30 72
54 37 40 4.2 41 34 73
55 38 41 4.7 44 37 75
56 39 43 5.3 46 40 77
57 40 44 5.8 48 43 78
58 42 45 6.3 50 46 80
59 44 47 6.8 53 48 82
60 45 49 7.3 55 51 83
61 47 50 7.6 57 54 85
62 48 52 8.3 59 56 86
63 50 54 8.8 61 59 88
64 52 56 9.2 63 61 89
65 54 58 9.7 65 63 90
66 55 60 10.1 67 66 92
67 58 62 10.8 69 68 93
68 60 65 11.0 71 70 94
69 62 67 11.4 73 72 95
70 64 70 11.8 17 75 74 97
71 67 72 12.2 23 76 75 98
72 69 75 12.6 28 78 77 99
73 71 78 12.9 33 80 79 100
74 73 81 13.3 38 81 80 101
75 76 85 13.7 42 83 82 102
76 80 88 14.0 47 84 83 103
77 84 92 14.3 51 86 85 104
78 87 95 14.7 55 87 86 105
79 90 99 15.0 59 88 88 106
80 94 103 15.3 63 90 89 106
81 97 108 15.6 66 91 90 107
82 100 112 15.9 70 92 91 108
83 105 117 16.2 73 94 92 109
84 109 121 16.4 76 95 93 109
85 113 126 16.7 79 96 94 110
86 117 131 16.9 81 97 95 111
87 122 137 17.2 84 98 96 111
88 126 142 17.4 86 99 97 112
89 131   17.6 88 100 98 112
90 135 17.8 90 101 98 113
91 139 18.0   102 99 114
92 145 18.2 103 100  
93   18.4 103 101
94 18.6 104 101
95 18.7 105 102
96 18.9 106 102
97 19.0 106 103
98 19.2 107  
99 19.3 107
100 19.4 108


GYZJ-935 和 GYZJ-936 近似轉換圖表
Type D Durometer GYZJ-935 GYZJ-936
52   6
53 9
54 12
55 15
56 18
57 21
58 24
59 27
60 30
61 32
62 35
63 38
64 40
65 43
66 45
67 48
68 22 50
69 28 52
70 30 54
71 34 57
72 38 59
73 41 61
74 45 63
75 48 65
76 51 67
77 54 69
78 57 70
79 60 72
80 63 74
81 68 76
82 69 77
83 71 79
84 74 80
85 78 82
86 79 83
87 81 85
88 83 88
89 85 87
90 87 88


Barcol Dimensions Barcol Case
Barcol Dimensions





Barcol Hardness Tester

Portable The Impressor is a convenient tool for testing the hardness of aluminum, aluminum alloys, copper, brass and other materials including plastics and fiberglass. The instrument is designed for use on fabricated parts and assemblies as well as on raw stock.
Easy to Use No experience required; can be used in any position and in any space that will allow for the operator's hand. The hardness reading is instantly indicated on the dial, which is divided into one hundred graduations. No waiting, pre-loading or separate measurements.
Lightweight The Impressor weighs only 1 lb. 2 oz. The entire Impressor package comes complete with carrying case, adjusting wrench and two spare indenter points. The Impressor + case = 2 lb. 8oz. Shipping weights = 4 pounds, box = 12 x 11 x 6 inches, dimensional weight 5 pounds. (1.8 kilograms, box = 21 x 28 x 16 cm, dimension weight 2.5 Kilograms)
Four Models
GYZJ 934-1 for soft metals such as aluminum and its alloys, brass, copper, and some of the harder plastics and fiberglass. Approximate range 25 to 150 Brinell (10 mm ball 500 kg load). This unit meets American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard D­2583.
GYZJ 934-1-0-1 a variation of the 934-1 that has a "flat bottom" shaped support leg. This is used to sit on top of the crest of the round rung of a ladder such as a fire department ladder. Approved by the NFPA, National Fire Protection Agency.
GYZJ 935 for the softer plastics and very soft metals.
GYZJ 936 for extremely soft materials such as lead, linoleum and leather.
The Impressor is best suited for testing homogeneous materials. Materials of granular, fibrous or coarse structure will produce a wide variation in hardness readings because of the small diameter of the indenter point.

For accurate readings, material should be at least 1 /32"thick and large enough for a minimum distance of 1/8" in any direction from the indenter point to the edge of the specimen. The testing area should be smooth and free from mechanical damage.

Simply exert alight pressure against the instrument to drive the spring-loaded indenter point into the material. The indenter point must be perpendicular to the surface being tested. On very soft metals, the highest reading should be used since cold flow permits the spring loaded indenter point to continue penetration.

Note: Physical characteristics of very soft materials are such that uniform correlation between different hardness measuring systems cannot be established. We recommend that Impressor hardness limits for each material be established by test.





BROOKS質量流量控制器;PC540;BROOKS代理;質量流量控制器;BROOKS 5850E;
OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA 代理商;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶導線;熱電偶公母接頭;熱電偶感溫線;
Membrance Solution (USA) 0.22um/ 0.45um PES/ PVDF 針桶過濾膜特價供應




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