RM-6000A 指針顯示, 轉速範圍:0.2~3.0rpm. 培養容量:100pcs×2000ml
RM-6000D 數位顯示, 轉速範圍:0.2~3.0rpm. 培養容量:100pcs×2000ml
RM-6000A Speed:0.2~3.0rpm. Capacity:100pcs×2000mlculture vessels.
Speed display:Tachometer.
RM-6000D Speed:0.2~3.0rpm. Capacity:100pcs×2000mlculture vessels.
Speed display:Digital.
■ Cell culture system roller mixer is equipped with high-quality rubber rollers,which are mounted in permanently lubricated sealed ball bearings, design for lifetime operation.
■ Cell culture system roller mixer allows large scale propagation of mono layer cultures in standard roller vessels.