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Incubator with Shaker and Rotisserie 多功能培養箱

儀器百科/2015/7/22 下午 10:04:261178

Incubator with Shaker and Rotisserie 多功能培養箱

浴器; 金屬浴器; 生化儀器; 乾浴器; 震盪培養箱; 培養箱; 震盪混合器; Dry Bath; Incubator; HEATING BLOCK; 培養箱; 振盪機; 振盪器; 震盪器; 混合器; 試管震盪器; 迴轉式振盪器; 篩別器; 震篩機; 搖擺振盪器; 震盪; 迴轉; 混合; Shaker; ROTATOR; Scientific; Rocker; Oscillator;

廠牌:Major Science


MS Incubator

Incubator with Shaker and Rotisserie

In total, 10 modes of major science incubator are comprised of a wide product line for different experiments in the laboratory, for instance, as a hybridization oven. Besides the above, its high temperature uniformity, digital microprocessor, compact size together with stackability, reasonable price make this product line competitive on the market.


‧Microprocessor control
‧Digital temperature control
‧Temperature calibration function
‧Excellent temperature uniformity
‧Friendly operation design concept
‧Larger LCD display


‧Controller: Digital microprocessor controller for temperature, time
‧Display: 128 x 64 dot matrix display
‧Temperature Calibration: Yes
‧Chamber Temperature: Ambient to 85℃
‧Temperature Increase: 0.1℃
‧Temperature Calibration: Yes
‧Temperature Uniformity in working area @ 37℃: ± 0.2℃
‧Temperature Accuracy @37 ℃: ± 0.2℃
‧Operating temperature: Ambient to 40℃
‧Stackability: Yes
‧Inner dimension: 340 x 260 x 250mm (W x L x H)
‧Overall dimension: 360 x 440 x 430mm (W x L x H)
‧Construction: Painted iron metal
‧Weight: approx. 25.0kg
‧Rated Voltages: 110V or 220V


‧ Rotisserie speed / Inc : 5-100 rpm / 1 rpm
‧ Shaker speed (1rpm increment):
‧ Rocking shaker: 5~100 rpm
‧ Reciprocal shaker: 5~100 rpm
‧ Orbital shaker: 0~200 rpm
‧ Vortexing shaker: 50~1,500 rpm

‧ Rocking shaker: W270 x D200 mm, stack 1 ea of additional platform available
‧ Reciprocal shaker: W270 x D200 mm, stack 1 ea of additional platform available
‧ Orbital shaker :W270 x D200 mm, stack 1 ea of additional platform available
‧ Vortexing shaker: W270 x D200 mm, for 4 pieces of microplate

Ordering Information

Cat. No. 
MO-01 Incubator only
MO-HY Hybridization incubator with Rotisserie
MO-VT Vortex incubator
MO-VT-HY  Incubator with hybridization rotisserie and Vortex shaker for microplate
MO-RK Rocking incubator
MO-RK-HY Incubator with hybridization rotisserie and rocking shaker
MO-OR Orbital incubator
MO-OR-HY Incubator with hybridization rotisserie and orbital shaker
MO-RC Reciprocal incubator
MO-RC-HY Incubator with hybridization rotisserie

MO-HY-8RT 35 mm tube rotisserie for 8 tubes
MO-HY-16RT 50 ml conical tube rotisserie for 16 tubes 
MO-HY-24RT 15 ml conical tube rotisserie for 24 tubes
MO-P-RC Platform for reciprocal shaker
MO-P-RK Platform for rocking shaker
MO-P-OR Platform for orbital shaker
MO-P-VT Platform for vortex shaker
MO-FH-250 250 ml flask holder
MO-BT40X150 Glass bottle 40 x 150 mm
MO-BT40 X200 Glass bottle 40 x 200 mm
MO-BT40X300 Glass bottle 40 x 300 mm

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