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Hybridization Water Bath & Waver Shaker 水浴槽與振盪器 MW-WB

儀器百科/2015/4/29 下午 12:25:491153

Hybridization Water Bath & Waver Shaker 水浴槽與振盪器 MW-WB

振盪機; 震盪混合器; 振盪器; 震盪器; 混合器; 試管震盪器; 迴轉式振盪器; 篩別器; 震篩機; 搖擺振盪器; 震盪; 迴轉; 混合; Shaker; ROTATOR; Scientific; Rocker; Oscillator;

廠牌:Major Science


Waver Shaker & Hybridization Water Bath

Waver shaker offers optimal movement for the multiple stainings and washings involved in gel, blotting, microscopy and immunostaining applications. Its combination of vertical and horizontal orbital motion provides more rapid exchange of solvents and greater mixing efficiency.
 Hybridization water bath is offered along with the waver shaker for wet hybridization, and it is even used as a shaking water bath. It is a digital controlled instrument equipped with a RS 232 port for data logging. It provides the temperature uniformity hybridization processes require

•Continuous or timed operation with automatic shut-off 
•Variable shaking speed form 5 to 100rpm for mixing and washing action 
•Two shaking movements in 2D or 3D 
•Adjustable platform angle 
•Interchangeable / stacking platforms, and accessories for a variety of vessels. 
•15kg carry capability 
•One of 4 digital red LED display 
•High quality DC Brushless motor 
•Extendable shelf 
•Light weight for easy mobility 
•Very easy maintenance 
•33 x 33cm platform


Cat. No.  MW-23
 Motion  Orbital and Nutation(2D or 3D)
 Controller  Digital microprocessor controller
 Speed/Inc  5 ~ 100rpm / 1rpm
 Timer  1 ~ 9999mins with alarm, continuous  / 1min
 Carry Capability  15kg
 Motor  DC brushless type
 Operating Temperature  Ambient to 40゚C
 Platform Dimension (W x L)  33 x 33cm
 Plateform Material  Painted iron metal
 Unit Dimension (W x L x H)  330 x 450 x 280mm
 Construction  Painted iron metal
 Weight  Approx. 10kg
 Rated Voltage  110V / 220V selectable
 Cat. No.  MW-WB
 Display  4 Digital LED
 Controller  Digital microprocessor controller
 Bath Temperature  Ambient to 95゚C
 Timer  1~9999 mins with alarm, continuous/ 1 min
 Bath Tank Material  304 stainless steel
 Bath Inner Dimension (W x L x H)  240 x 270 x 50mm
 Bath Capability  Approx. 2.8L
 Operating Temperature  Ambient to 40゚C
 Unit Dimension (W x L x H)  300 x 300 x 290mm
 Construction  Painted iron metal 
 Lid Material  Transparent acrylic material assembled with stainless steel construction
 Data log  RS232
 Weight  Approx. 7.0kg
 Rated Voltage  110V/220V

[ 我要回應 ] -> Hybridization Water Bath & Waver Shaker 水浴槽與振盪器 MW-WB



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