Volumetric meter 容積式水錶(耐高溫) ALTAIR_90°C
流量量測元件; 水錶; 流量計; SAPPEL; 加壓減壓幫浦; 冷水錶; 容積式水錶; Volumetric Meter; 熱水錶;
ALTAIR 90°C is a volumetric hot water meter characterized by its versatility. Robust thanks to its large measuring chamber, ALTAIR 90°C is suitable for different types of water. MID approved, ALTAIR 90°C offers high measuring dynamics, very low start flowrates and a low head loss. ALTAIR 90°Cis compact and equipped with a stainless steel filter. ALTAIR 90°C is modular and can be fitted with IZAR radio system, IZAR DOSING or the pulse emitter IZAR PULSE, gateway to other systems.
•Start flowrate : 5l/h
•Medium temperature to 90 °C
•Installation in all position
•MID approved to R=200
•New register with "Ha+Ti" modularity
•Glass/Metal register in option
•Multi-position installation
•DN 15
•High dynamic range