VPFlowScope 插入式氣體流量計
流體量測控制儀器; 氣體流量計; VPInstruments; 氣體流量控制; 流量計粘度計; 流速計; 轉速計; 流量調節器; 氣體、液體流量控制;
可同時顯示 流量 溫度 壓力
顯示: LCD液晶背光顯示
氣體種類: 壓縮空氣,氮氣及惰性氣體
量測範圍: 0~80mn/s; 0~120mn/s
精確度: <+/-2% of reading (0~60℃)
壓力範圍: 0~16 bar
溫度範圍: 0~ 60℃ (溫度補償)
類比輸出: 4…20mA,
數位輸出:RS-485,MODBUS, RTU protocol
電源: 12~24VDC; +/-10%
CE , UL認證
The VPFlowScope measures mass flow, temperature and pressure simultaneously. It’s the ultimate compressed air audit tool, used by leading auditors worldwide. The bright blue LCD display provides real-time information and with the built-in data logger, you can make recordings for a certain period of time. VPStudio software can be used for real-time measurements to process data and to print reports.
Compressed Air audits
Demand side monitoring,
Sub metering of compressed air
Ring networks (bi-directional)
Air, Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide, Argon:
Any dry and non-corrosive gas.
New display options:
D10: Display, 3 lines, 180 degree rotation by software
D11: Display and 2 M point data logger