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Weatherproof Sample Conditioning Unit Hygrometer. 防水型壁掛式 SUPER-DEW 濕度偵測儀器

儀器百科/2015/3/26 下午 03:40:101134

Weatherproof Sample Conditioning Unit Hygrometer. 防水型壁掛式 SUPER-DEW 濕度偵測儀器

濕度偵測; SHAW; Hygrometer; 調濕裝置; 濕度記錄計;


IP65 Weatherproof housed In-line hygrometer in GRP enclosure with Perspex window, for wall or pedestal mounting, including SuperDew meter and sample system comprising 3 port sample selection valve, filter unit, pressure regulator, flow indicator, sensor holder and sensor.
Electrical connections through 1 x STB 16 gland (mains), and 3 x M13 glands (signal lines), to terminal rail.
Pneumatic connections to 3 x 1/8"NPT bulkhead fittings with a choice of 1/8", 1/4" or 6mm compression fittings if required.

Accuracy:1% across meter range. For Sensor accuracy see sensor specification sheet.
Dimensions / Weight:Overall dimensions: 400mm x 400mm x 200mm depth. Weight: 11.3Kg approx.
Display:Backlit 2cm LCD digital indicating meter showing Dewpoint Deg. C only. (Deg. F. available by special order).
Sensor Connection:Low loss co-ax cable (75ohms max capacitance of 50pF per metre).
Power Supply:110 or 220 V a.c. single phase 50 or 60 Hz, 24 V d.c.
Sampling Options:Input Pressure (pr): Up to 20 Bar (Lo), 200 Bar (Med), 400 Bar (Hi).
Outputs:Alarms: 2 Relays rated at 240V 3A Analogue: 4-20mA and  0-1 V, others by special request
Calibration:Autocal on all but Blue range.
To Order:SWS-SD-(pr)-®
Sensor Type ®Sensor Range:
Purple: (P)-100 / 0 deg.C DP, (auto-cal)
Red : (R)-80 / -20 deg.C DP, (auto-cal)
Grey : (GY),lowspec (GYLS)-80 / 0 deg.C DP, (auto-cal)

[ 我要回應 ] -> Weatherproof Sample Conditioning Unit Hygrometer. 防水型壁掛式 SUPER-DEW 濕度偵測儀器



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