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Webbing Abrasion Tester 泰伯 帶狀磨耗試驗機 Taber 5820

儀器百科/2015/3/26 下午 03:17:42964

Webbing Abrasion Tester 泰伯 帶狀磨耗試驗機 Taber 5820

磨耗試驗; 磨耗試驗機;

This instrument is designed to test the abrasion resistance of seat belts and other webbing materials.
Materials include nylon, polyester, leather and other flexible sheet materials.
Evaluate abrasion resistance of webbing and belting materials.
Textile webbing is often used for safety belts, restraint harnesses, helmet straps and cargo tie-downs.
Over time, adjustment hardware or common use may cause abrasion damage and jeopardize the integrity of the webbing material. The Webbing Abrasion Tester provides a cost effective means to perform abrasion testing. Included weights permit testing of webbing with breaking strengths over 13,500 N to ASTM D6770.

Rubbing action simulates field damage in controlled laboratory setting.
A fixed weight is attached to the end of a test specimen before it is subjected to a unidirectional reciprocal rubbing over a steel hexagonal rod, also known as a hex abrasion bar. After the specified number of test cycles, the percent retention of breaking force is calculated. Comparing results to an unabraded specimen provides a measure of how abrasion resistant the material is.

Based on established test procedures, instrument offers unique features.
A twelve inch hex abrasion bar permits testing of up to three specimens simultaneously. Thumb screws permit quick rotation or change of the hex abrasion bar. A specimen roller ensures an angle of 85° ±2° is maintained between the specimen and hex bar. Test fixture assembly is reversible and may be mounted on either right or left side.

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