
Kent-type 麵粉色彩等級辨識色度計



Kent, Jones & Martin type




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麵粉色彩等級辨識色度計-行動條碼QR Code

Flour Colour Grader, Series 4  -  Kent, Jones & Martin Type
Internationally Accepted Measurement of Flour Colour

Designed for the quality control of flour this instrument provides an accurate, reliable repeatable method of measuring the colour and hence purity of flour. It is also ideal for other applications where the precise measurement of whiteness is important.


The Lovibond Flour Colour Grader Series 4 enables millers and bakers to monitor closely the colour and hence purity of flour that they are producing or using. It is a direct descendant of the original, internationally accepted Kent, Jones and Martin type instrument that was first used for grading flour over 40 years ago and is still widely accepted by QA managers as reliable indication of flour colour. The Lovibond Flour Colour Grader provides an accurate and repeatable method of measuring flour sample whiteness by comparing a sample of flour with a ceramic tile of known colour grade. It reports the sample colour in terms of Colour Grade Values over the range - 5 to +18 flour grades. The Flour Colour Grader includes an automatic timer, which helps the operator to follow the time schedule for the test, an important factor in obtaining accurate results.

The Lovibond Flour Colour Grader is also appropriate for other applications where precise measurement of whiteness is important.


The flour sample is weighed, mixed with water for a fixed time period and poured into the glass cuvette. The sample is inserted into the instrument, which automatically transfers it to the measurement position and takes a reflectance reading. The results are presented on an LED display and are also printed out, along with the time a date, on an internal printer. At the beginning of each, or as required, the instrument is calibrated against an internal ceramic tile. Overall standardisation is achieved using a sample of National Standard Flour.


Measuring principle Reflectance, diffuse sphere

Range -5 to +18 flour grades

Accuracy +/- 0.2 flour grades

Resolution < 0.1 flour grade

Calibration control range +/- 5 flour grades

Light Source 6V, 20W halogen lamp

Power supply 220 - 245 V or 110 - 122 V, 50/60 Hz

Printer Epson

Instrument housing Fabricated steel

Dimensions Width 420 mm, depth 410 mm, height 180 mm

Weight 10.5 kg

The Lovibond Flour Colour grader is supplied ready for use including a spare lamp, two sample cells, an internal standard surface and full working instructions.





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